What is it?

An inflammatory disorder of the skin, when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Bacteria can trigger inflammation and infection.

How can it present?

  • Whiteheads, small white spots, closed plugged pores, under the surface of the skin.

  • Blackheads, small, open blocked pores with a black plug.

  • Pimples (pustules), inflamed red spots which can have yellow pus in the middle.

  • Nodules, large red bumps under the skin.

  • Cystic lesions, painful, pus-filed lumps under the skin.

What can I do?

There are several triggers that can cause acne, relating to hormones, gut health, inflammatory food groups, stress, medications, hygiene practice, using the right products.

Treatments can vary, depending on the trigger, so consult with a qualified Dermal Clinician, Integrated practitioner, GP, Pharmacy or Dermatologist for the right approach for your acne.
